4th EC meeting Resolutions

The 4th Executive committee meeting on Saturday 21-01-2023 at 
5:00 pm in Association Office. The following resolutions were adopted 
unanimously. Minutes of previous meeting were read out and action taken 
on resolutions passed was informed.
1) Discussion on BR Guidelines, Roles and Powers and Finalizing date for 
first BR meeting.
Resolution: Role and responsibilities as mentioned in the bye laws would 
be conveyed to the Block Representatives. The first monthly meeting of 
BRs is on 29/01/2023 at 10:30 am.
2) Decision on our stand at Arbitration proceedings initiated by BPCL.
Resolution: Resolved to wait for the written proceeding from the arbitration 
3) Appointment of advocate for taking up STFOWA cases in High Court.
Resolution: Resolved to identify a competent High Court Advocate to 
handle cases in which STFOWA is either Respondent or Petitioner. Obtain 
NOC from present STFOWA advocate to transfer all pending litigations to 
another advocate.
4) Discussion on case to fight for amenities in Consumer Court
Resolution: Resolved to appoint an advocate on behalf of STFOWA to 
argue for incomplete/pending amenities in Consumer Court.
5)Discussion on Fresh agreement between STFOWA and NoBrokerhood
Resolution: Resolved to obtain legal opinion regarding Contract between 
STFOWA and No Broker Hood, before proceeding further.
Please find the attachment for official resolution copy.
 Thanking you,
 Yours Sincerely, 
P.N.Indira Priya Darshini 

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