28th EC Meeting Resolutions

Respected Flat Owners,  The 28th Executive Committee Meeting held on Saturday 29-10-2023 at 11 am at association office. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously. Minutes of previous meeting were read …

22nd EC Meeting Resolutions

Respected Flat Owners,  Please find the attached minutes of 22nd EC meeting and request all the owners to please go through meeting minutes and important circulars. The 22nd Executive Committee …

Minutes: 3rd Block Representative Meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING The 3rdBlock Representative Meeting on Sunday 23-04-2023 at 10:30 am at A-28 block cellar. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously Minutes of previous meeting were read out …

16th EC Meeting Resolutions

MINUTES OF MEETING The 16th Executive Committee Meeting is commenced on aturday 29-04-2023 at 10:30 am at association office. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously. Minutes of previous meeting were …

15th EC Meeting Resolutions

MINUTES OF MEETING The 15* Executive Committee Meeting is commenced on Saturday 22-04-2023 at 10:30a m a t association office. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously. Minutes of previous meeting …

13th EC Meeting Resolutions

MINUTES O F MEETING The 13th Executive Committee Meeting is commenced on Saturday 1-04-2023 at 10:00 am at association office. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously. Minutes of previous meeting …

8th EC Meeting Resolutions

MINUTES OF MEETING The 8th Executive committee meeting on Saturday 25-02-2023 at 1 1 : 0 0 AM in the Association Office . The  following resolutions were adopted unanimously. Minutes …

6th EC meeting Resolutions

The 6th EC meeting held on 4 Feb 2023 at 1am association office. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously. Minutes of Meeting 1) Discussion on present state of Security arrangements …